The Primal MMA Coaching Podcast
The Primal MMA Coaching Podcast
#35 - The Black Temple's Greg Souders - Coach Souders interview with Brian Willis.
This episode is the second of two interviews by Brian Willis of the Excellence in Training Academy.
Brian reached out to both myself and Standard Jiu-jitsu's Greg Souders to talk about our application of Ecological Dynamics to Striking and Grappling respectively.
With Brian's blessing he allowed me to share these interviews here on my podcast, given his interviews (over 350 of them) are available for his subscribers to his online platform.
Brian was a very engaging and great interviewer and both Greg and I were thankful for the opportunity and fun conversations. While neither Greg or I have much insight into law enforcement, Brian similarly is in a constant pursuit of how we can make training more optimal and effective for our domains.
Brian can be found best on his training academy site and at his other online resource site https://winningmindtraining.com/
Should any one want to reach Brian directly through the show, please email me at scott@primalmke.com