The Primal MMA Coaching Podcast
The Primal MMA podcast brings together coaches, athletes, and sports scientists to discuss training and practice design for Mixed Martial Arts. Exploring the science of skill acquisition, human motivation, and sports psychology, the podcast seeks answers to the question, can we get better quicker?
64 episodes
#53 - Philosophy, physics and phighting! - Andy from the School of Grappling FINALLY joins me to chat.
In this episode, I’m joined by
Episode 53

#52 - Getting Emotional! - Dr Laura Cuijper's talks about the emotional aspects of training and performance.
In this episode of the Primal MMA Coaching Podcast, I sit down with Dr. Laura Cuijpers, an assistant professor at the University of Groningen, to explore the emotional and psychological aspect...
Episode 52

#51 - Beyond Eco! - Sony Sahota on bridging Ecological Psychology with an Active Inference Framework.
Today I welcome Sonny Sahota from Praxis Gym in Canada. Sonny, a judo black belt and manager of Kensington Judo Club in Vancouver, shares his insights on in...
Episode 52

#51 - It's complex, keep it simple! - Coach Rob Cole on playing the ecological long game.
Coach Rob Cole joins me today to talk coaching within an ecological dynamics framework.Rob is a long time mixed martial artist,
Episode 51

#50 - Exploring Eco Psych and perception - Gray Thomas of U-Con on ecological Psychology and it's implications for practice and development.
Gray Thomas joins me today to talk about the Ecological Psychology side of ecological dynamics. Gra...
Episode 50

#49 - Pitching and Punching - Pittsburg Pirate Coach John Baker on an eco approach to Baseball, BJJ & MMA skill development.
Today's chat was with Pittsburgh Pirate's coach John BakerJohn is a former MLB player and current performance and skills coach alongside Andy Bass in the Pirates Baseball organi...
Episode 49

#48 - Hot Off The Press - The Boys from Emergence talk about their recently published Ecological Approach to MMA Journal Article.
The boys from emergence are back to discuss their recently accepted and published paper on&nbs...

#47 - "ACTION ~ perception" Coach James de Lacey on building action capacities for combat sports.
In this episode I talk with Coach James de Lacey of Sweet Science of Fighting.While most discussions o...

#47 - All Choking Aside - Dr Andy Bass talks about self-talk, attention and focus and how these can interfere with us all on game day.
Today I talk with Dr Andy Bass. Andy is a researcher, educator, former pro baseball player and is currently a performance coach with the Pittsburgh Pirates. Andy talks a...

#46 - The gimmicks of the Gram - Coach Jon Mackey returns to discuss agility ladders and other questionable training tools.
Today I chat with Irish National Kickboxing Coach Jon Mackey about the role of training tools in striking sports. We'll explore whether these tools actually support skill acquisition and debunk so...
Episode 46

#45 - Game on! - Kit Dale and Greg Souders on ditching the drills to become better quicker!
Today I welcome Kit Dale and Greg Souders on to the show.Kit is well know in the jiu-jitsu world for his rap...

#44 - A student's perspective - Standard's Noah Shaffner talks about learning to grapple at the black temple.
Today, I chat with Noah Shaffner from the Standard Jiu-Jitsu Grappling Team, mentored by Greg Souders. Unlike my usual guests who are coaches...
Episode 44

#43 - Managing Expectations - Rory Singer on playing the long game in developing Mixed Martial Artists.
Today I talk with Coach Rory Singer. Rory is the younger brother of Coach Adam Singer and together they have run and coached MMA in Athens Georgia for several Decades. Rory is an
Episode 43

#42 - Demystifying Strickland's win over Adesanya - Shawn Myszka joins me to discuss last week's UFC title fight.
Emergence founder, NFL skills coach and MMA superfan Shawn Myszka joined me to discuss Strickland's ...

#41 - Grappling with memory and perception - Ed Ingamells on
Today I am chatting with Ed Ingamells. (Aka the Partybear). Ed is a black belt and coach at the Institute of Grappling in North London...
Episode 41

#40 - On the shoulders of the "Aliveness" Giant! - SBG's Adam Singer on alive training environments.
Adam Singer joins me today to talk coaching, culture and continuing the SBG philosophy of aliveness through an ecological lens.
Episode 40

#39 - 'Second Guessing the Traditional Approach' - Coach Josh Root on doubling down on the Ecological Approach.
Today I am joined by Coach Josh Root from Gravitas Martial Arts in Arkansas. Josh has recently re-visited an Eco D approach to grappling aft...
Episode 38

#38 - 'It takes two to Tango' - Professor Alan Dunton on 'information rich' training practice to develop metastability.
Professor Alan Dunton is back. Alan is a lecturer and researcher at MTU Cork, Ireland. With a PhD in Skill Acquisitor and having been a long time martial artist himself and a National TKD team compet...

#37 - 'Light for Learning' - Coach Jon Mackey on Kickboxing Training and Sparring Culture.
In today's podcast, we're honored to have Jon Mackey as our guest, a celebrated coach in both Taekwon-Do...
Season 2
Episode 37

#36 - Developing wizards from Oz - Ricky Pachon on taking his Gracie comp team ecological.
In this episode I speak with Coach Ricky Pachon . A young coach from Gracie Barra, Bondi Beach, Australia. Ricky leads a successful youth compe...
Episode 36

#35 - The Black Temple's Greg Souders - Coach Souders interview with Brian Willis.
This episode is the second of two interviews by Brian Willis of the Excellence in Training Academy.Brian re...

#34 - On the other side of the mic - My interview with Brian Willis talking about Primal's approach to practice design for striking and MMA.
This episode is the first of two interviews by Brian Willis of the Excellence in Training Academy.Brian rea...
Episode 34

#33B - Battling the Biases! Josh Peacock on resistance to change in combat sports training.
(PART 2) Today my guest is my friend and fellow podcaster Josh Peacock.Josh is the host of the Combat Learning Podcast and a fellow ad...
Episode 33