The Primal MMA Coaching Podcast
The Primal MMA Coaching Podcast
#45 - Game on! - Kit Dale and Greg Souders on ditching the drills to become better quicker!
Today I welcome Kit Dale and Greg Souders on to the show.
Kit is well know in the jiu-jitsu world for his rapid development in the sport and his achievements at high level no-gi grappling in a short few years. An advocate of 'learning through trial and error and one that has been preaching the anti-drilling message for years' it seemed fitting that I get him on to talk with Greg Souders.
Greg himself has emerged as a leading advocate of the ecological approach and in doing so, brought a lot of the science and research from the academic side onto the mats and into a broader conversation.
Kit has recently launched his 'Task Based Games' series which is really the first of it's kind in bringing this gamification approach to the wider grappling community.
A long but interesting convo between the two coaches.
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